A young man tries to throw the ball in.
He has a hard time getting it where he aims.
He hits it here and there, and it goes where he didn't expect it to go.
On the other hand, people try to hit it down with a helicopter.
They make sure to kill their target in the shortest distance.
I think life is like a pinball.
Whether you leave the destination of the ball to chance, like those who throw it in, or whether you aim and throw the ball with certainty, like those who try to hit it down from a helicopter, the correct answer is different for each person.
The pinball screen is a tribute to the film's famous quote.

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I don't want to lose to you!!
マウント。 One-up me.
What is your art?
金になるかとか、ビジネスになるかとか、 そんなこと考えていたらアートは作れないよ。 If you think about whether it will bring in money or business, you will never be able to make art.
シャイになってないで、自分のアートをどんどん訴えていかなきゃ。 ヒッチハイクだって、掲げているところにしか車は止まらないからね。 人々の目当てはKendrickとかJojiとかTylerとかFrank Oceanかもしれないけど、 それでも黙ってちゃ誰にも見つけられずに死んでくだけなんだ。 Don't be shy, you have to appeal to people with your art. Just like when you hitchhike, the car will only stop where the destination is posted. People might be interested in Kendrick, Joji, Tyler or Frank Ocean, but if you are silent, no one will find you and you will die.
Climate change
Paradox is everywhere.
マスクをしながら キスをするような矛盾が、 世の中にはたくさんある。 自分にとって 矛盾に見えていたものが、 他者にとっては 矛盾じゃなかったりする。 There are many contradictions in the world, like kissing while wearing a mask. What seems like a contradiction to you may not be a contradiction to others.
Welcome but not you.
I don't let just anyone waltz into my personal space so easily. 大事なところには簡単に入れさせないよ。
Should either you or I take this task?
この関係に終止符を打つのは誰? Who will put an end to this relationship?
If the ground is black and yellow,
The crazy fact in Tokyo City
届くことないメディアの主張。 人々は報道を踏みつけるように、 路上に出てはお酒を飲む Media claims that never reach us. People take to the streets and drink as they stomp out the news reports.
Knowledge is killing you.
簡単に答えを知れてしまうことが、 あなた自身で考える習慣を奪っている。 It's easy to know the answer, but it robs you of the habit of thinking for yourself.
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