Client Works
Exhibition・POP UP
Client Works
Exhibition・POP UP
If the ground is black and yellow,
I’m crazy about his music.
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社会が決めたキャリアとは 違う道を歩もうとする時、 そこにしがみつく人々にとっては、 ビルの上から飛び降りるような 自殺行為なのかもしれない。 でも、僕にとってはそれが 不自由からの解放なのだ。 For those who cling to a career path that is different from the one society has determined for them, it may be a suicidal act, like jumping off the top of a building. But for me, it is liberation from inconvenience.
I'm glad to be with you.
キミとの時間が心地良い。 I feel comfortable spending time with you.
Make a counterattack
ブタたちの逆襲。 The pigs strike back.
A boy with a gun.
身を守るには銃が必要なんだ。 だって、そう教えられたから。 You need a gun to protect yourself. Because that's what I was taught.
Hoading Disorder.
経験、知識、恋人、キャリア。 自分の持っているものが、 時に足かせとなって 新しいことに踏み出せなくなる。 Experience, knowledge, lovers, career. What you have sometimes holds you back and prevents you from taking on new things.
Love at first sight.
一目惚れをした時は、 街がその人だけ色鮮やかに見える。 When we fall in love at first sight, the city appears to be colorful only for that person.
A mask to live.
人は何者かになるための仮面を被って生きている。 それがないと、自分が揺らぐ気がして生きることができない。 People live their lives wearing a mask to be something they are not. Without it, they cannot live because they feel they are shaken.
Stuck in love.
どんどん滞っていくよ。 キミが隣にいるせいで。 It's getting slower and slower. Because you're next to me.
I don't want to lose to you!!
マウント。 One-up me.
Art is a drug.
作品を作ることは難しくて、 うまくいかないことの方が多いけど、 ヤバい作品を作れた時の 快感が忘れられなくて、 また描きたくなるんだ。 It is difficult to create artwork, and more often than not it doesn't go well, but I never forget the pleasure I get when I create a bad piece of art, and it makes me want to paint again.
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