I feel that creating a work of art is a process of listening to what is inside of me, diving deep, and gradually taking shape.
However, today, we are inundated with stimuli.
Open up Instagram and you will see updates on people you know, and you will find yourself thinking about them.
If we look at YouTube, we find ourselves engrossed in interesting content.
And before we know it, our thoughts are so absorbed that we forget about our own subtle emotional changes and inspirations.
Some people say that being stimulated by information is inspiring, but I don't think so.
Rather, I think it is important to spend time meditating, going for a walk, and so on, blocking out some information and concentrating on one's own thoughts.

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A boy with a gun.
身を守るには銃が必要なんだ。 だって、そう教えられたから。 You need a gun to protect yourself. Because that's what I was taught.
I'm glad to be with you.
キミとの時間が心地良い。 I feel comfortable spending time with you.
Make a counterattack
ブタたちの逆襲。 The pigs strike back.
Should either you or I take this task?
この関係に終止符を打つのは誰? Who will put an end to this relationship?
I'm foolish. But I love me.
ゴミクズな自分だけど笑っていたい。 I'm a trashy person, but I want to keep laughing.
Make out hill.
誰にも見られないようにするのが、 一番ドキドキするの。 I'm most thrilled when no one can see me.
Hoading Disorder.
経験、知識、恋人、キャリア。 自分の持っているものが、 時に足かせとなって 新しいことに踏み出せなくなる。 Experience, knowledge, lovers, career. What you have sometimes holds you back and prevents you from taking on new things.
It's all because of COVID-19!!!
ロックダウンをした世の中、 僕の店はどうやって立て直せばいいんだ。 In a world of lockdowns, how can my store be rebuilt?
世の中、単純で効率が良いものばかりだ。 自分をオシャレに見せることも、 オシャレなパーツが集まった プラモデルを組み立てるみたいに単純だ。
No Rain No Rainbow.
虹が見たければ、 ちょっとやそっとの雨は 我慢しなくちゃ。 If you want to see a rainbow, You have to put up with a little bit of rain a little bit of rain.
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