This illustration was inspired by a childhood photo from my room.
When I was little, I thought I would keep playing with the friends I played with for the rest of my life, but as an adult, that is not the case at all, and I don't see them very often.
It is a feeling of nostalgia for those days.

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If the ground is black and yellow,
"衝動的な自分"を飼い慣らすこと。 何かを習慣にするとは、そういうこと。 To tame the "impulsive self". To make something a habit is to make it a habit.
The grass is greener.
音楽の夢を追いかけることで、 犠牲にしていることがたくさんある気がする。 その存在に気づくたびに、 自分がやろうとしていることが虚しく感じてくる。 I feel like there are many things I am sacrificing in pursuit of my musical dream. Whenever I become aware of their existence, I feel that what I am trying to do is empty.
I wish I had balloons.
風船で飛んでいくように、 会いたい人に会えたら。 If only I could meet the people I want to meet, like flying in a balloon.
It's all because of COVID-19!!!
ロックダウンをした世の中、 僕の店はどうやって立て直せばいいんだ。 In a world of lockdowns, how can my store be rebuilt?
Should either you or I take this task?
この関係に終止符を打つのは誰? Who will put an end to this relationship?
Make a counterattack
ブタたちの逆襲。 The pigs strike back.
How can I unlock it?
自由な自分でいるための鍵は、 自分自身が持っている。 でも、鍵穴がどこにあるか 分からない。 The key to being a free self is in my own hands. But I don't know where the keyhole is.
I'm in Instagram.
誰かからの反応ばかり求めていると、 自分が溺れていなくなっていく気がする。 If all we want is a response from someone else, we feel like we are drowning and disappearing.
Art is a drug.
作品を作ることは難しくて、 うまくいかないことの方が多いけど、 ヤバい作品を作れた時の 快感が忘れられなくて、 また描きたくなるんだ。 It is difficult to create artwork, and more often than not it doesn't go well, but I never forget the pleasure I get when I create a bad piece of art, and it makes me want to paint again.
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