Must we hurt someone in order to protect ourselves?
Those who are hurt heal their wounds by hurting those who are hurt more.
Can we call it culture to pass this on to children?
I drew this picture thinking about that.

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I'll never love you anymore.
ゴミ箱に捨てられた花束。 それは渡すはずだった花束。 青年は花束から背を向け、 タクシーが来るのを待っている。 A bouquet of flowers thrown in the trash. It is the bouquet he was supposed to give. The young man turns away from the bouquet and waits for a cab to come.
Knowledge is killing you.
簡単に答えを知れてしまうことが、 あなた自身で考える習慣を奪っている。 It's easy to know the answer, but it robs you of the habit of thinking for yourself.
Fuck the rules.
ボール遊び禁止だとしても、 遊べる方法を自分で考えればいいんだ。 誰かのルールに囚われるな。 Even if you're not allowed to play ball, you can still figure out your own way to play. Don't get caught up in someone else's rules.
Love at first sight.
一目惚れをした時は、 街がその人だけ色鮮やかに見える。 When we fall in love at first sight, the city appears to be colorful only for that person.
Life is journey.
その瞬間、その出会い、その経験。 自分が過ごす今を大切に。 The moment, the encounter, the experience. Cherish the present moment you spend.
Nobody's perfect.
完璧じゃなくてもいいじゃん? 転んでしまうこともあるさ。 It doesn't have to be perfect, right? Sometimes you're going to fall down.
Not for me, for followers.
肩車してでもお洒落な写真を撮りたいの。 Instagramのワタシのためなら。 I'm willing to shoulder it and still take stylish pics. If only for the Instagram wannabes.
Wasted Days.
やらなきゃいけないことを忘れて、 家で1日中ゲームしながら お菓子を食べていたら終わった1日。 そんな日々もなかなかやめられないね。 A day that ended when I forgot what I had to do and stayed home all day playing games and eating sweets. It's hard to stop those days, isn't it?
Dance Till We Die.
過去や未来のことばかり考えてしまう。 僕らの毎日は、レコードのように早送りも巻き戻しもできないのに。 We think only of the past and the future. Our days are like a record, and we can neither fast forward nor rewind.
ボールを投げ入れようとする青年。 彼は狙ったところになかなか入らない。 A young man tries to throw the ball in. He has a hard time getting it into the target area.
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