Sometimes it is difficult to create something new because I try so hard to make a better work than the past works. This work includes such feelings of mine.

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生きていると、 時に花を枯らそうとする人に出会う。 それでも咲き続けていれば、 いつか花に水を与えてくれる人が現れると思いたい。 When we live, we sometimes meet people who try to kill our flowers. Still, I would like to think that if I keep blooming, someone will appear someday to water my flowers.
Life is journey.
その瞬間、その出会い、その経験。 自分が過ごす今を大切に。 The moment, the encounter, the experience. Cherish the present moment you spend.
Power of money.
お金で釣ろうとする男の子。 お金に釣られる女の子。 恋のきっかけなんて、そんなもん。 A boy tries to catch a fish with money. Girls who are lured by money. That's how love starts.
Wasted Days.
やらなきゃいけないことを忘れて、 家で1日中ゲームしながら お菓子を食べていたら終わった1日。 そんな日々もなかなかやめられないね。 A day that ended when I forgot what I had to do and stayed home all day playing games and eating sweets. It's hard to stop those days, isn't it?
A boy with a gun.
身を守るには銃が必要なんだ。 だって、そう教えられたから。 You need a gun to protect yourself. Because that's what I was taught.
Make out hill.
誰にも見られないようにするのが、 一番ドキドキするの。 I'm most thrilled when no one can see me.
Monday Routine
5分刻みのアラーム。 でも起きたのは家出る10分前。 靴のかかとを踏んだまま 駅まで走らないと、間に合わない。 I set my alarm for five-minute increments. But I woke up 10 minutes before I left home. I have to run to the station with the heel of my shoe still on the ground to make it in time.
Not for me, for followers.
肩車してでもお洒落な写真を撮りたいの。 Instagramのワタシのためなら。 I'm willing to shoulder it and still take stylish pics. If only for the Instagram wannabes.
A mask to live.
人は何者かになるための仮面を被って生きている。 それがないと、自分が揺らぐ気がして生きることができない。 People live their lives wearing a mask to be something they are not. Without it, they cannot live because they feel they are shaken.
Life is like a movie.
1日1日が映画のワンシーンのように 新鮮で、ユーモアのある日々を Each day is like a scene from a movie, fresh and humorous.
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