"We're going to do something big with music!"
I told him that and invited him to play music with me.
I loved the music we were making together, and I knew we could make it.
We never went out to play a day for music, we never looked for a job, we gave our all for music.
That guy who had been advancing with us at that time quit music.
I wonder if sacrificing so much for so many things will pay off one day.

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Isolated beauty
誰かと一緒じゃない。 孤立した美しさ。 Not with someone else. Isolated beauty.
"衝動的な自分"を飼い慣らすこと。 何かを習慣にするとは、そういうこと。 To tame the "impulsive self". To make something a habit is to make it a habit.
Welcome but not you.
I don't let just anyone waltz into my personal space so easily. 大事なところには簡単に入れさせないよ。
Paradox is everywhere.
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It's all because of COVID-19!!!
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I'm foolish. But I love me.
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Power of money.
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No Rain No Rainbow.
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What is your art?
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A boy with a gun.
身を守るには銃が必要なんだ。 だって、そう教えられたから。 You need a gun to protect yourself. Because that's what I was taught.
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