This is a work based on my feelings when I first started working.
At that time, I was feeling depressed because I was not getting any results while my peers were getting results faster than I was.
In this painting, I depicted a single rose blooming beautifully, not in a pretty vase, but in a rugged plastic bottle.
The message is to cherish the beauty you have without comparing yourself to someone else or dressing yourself up.

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"衝動的な自分"を飼い慣らすこと。 何かを習慣にするとは、そういうこと。 To tame the "impulsive self". To make something a habit is to make it a habit.
社会が決めたキャリアとは 違う道を歩もうとする時、 そこにしがみつく人々にとっては、 ビルの上から飛び降りるような 自殺行為なのかもしれない。 でも、僕にとってはそれが 不自由からの解放なのだ。 For those who cling to a career path that is different from the one society has determined for them, it may be a suicidal act, like jumping off the top of a building. But for me, it is liberation from inconvenience.
I'm foolish. But I love me.
ゴミクズな自分だけど笑っていたい。 I'm a trashy person, but I want to keep laughing.
Let's give it a shot.
デートに誘おう。 メモした言葉でカッコ悪くても。 Ask for a date. Even if it's not cool with the words I wrote down.
Art is a drug.
作品を作ることは難しくて、 うまくいかないことの方が多いけど、 ヤバい作品を作れた時の 快感が忘れられなくて、 また描きたくなるんだ。 It is difficult to create artwork, and more often than not it doesn't go well, but I never forget the pleasure I get when I create a bad piece of art, and it makes me want to paint again.
It's all because of COVID-19!!!
ロックダウンをした世の中、 僕の店はどうやって立て直せばいいんだ。 In a world of lockdowns, how can my store be rebuilt?
Love you only.
他のすべてのことが どうでもよくなるほど、 美しい。 It is so beautiful that everything else doesn't matter.
目を閉じている間だけの幸せ。 目を開けたら、また1人で戦わなきゃいけないんだ。 This is happiness only while my eyes are closed. When I open my eyes, I have to fight alone again.
シャイになってないで、自分のアートをどんどん訴えていかなきゃ。 ヒッチハイクだって、掲げているところにしか車は止まらないからね。 人々の目当てはKendrickとかJojiとかTylerとかFrank Oceanかもしれないけど、 それでも黙ってちゃ誰にも見つけられずに死んでくだけなんだ。 Don't be shy, you have to appeal to people with your art. Just like when you hitchhike, the car will only stop where the destination is posted. People might be interested in Kendrick, Joji, Tyler or Frank Ocean, but if you are silent, no one will find you and you will die.
I wish I had balloons.
風船で飛んでいくように、 会いたい人に会えたら。 If only I could meet the people I want to meet, like flying in a balloon.