We're going to do something big with music!" That's what he swore with me once.
I had never been halfway through anything and had never been passionate about a single thing, so I really enjoyed the days I spent with him writing songs every day.
But at the same time, there was a sense of uncertainty in my mind as to whether or not I could go on like this. But at the same time, there was a sense of uncertainty in my mind as to whether I could go on like this.
People around me were quitting music and starting jobs, and my girlfriend was working, but our music was not selling at all.
I gradually became afraid of the uncertain future and quit the music business.
Even now, when I see his success, I envy him because he was able to make a choice that was honest to himself.

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I'm in Instagram.
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Sunday Routine
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Nobody's perfect.
完璧じゃなくてもいいじゃん? 転んでしまうこともあるさ。 It doesn't have to be perfect, right? Sometimes you're going to fall down.
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