This is a work about "hang-ups”.
It describes a woman in chains who has the key to unlock her chains, but is unaware of the location of the keyhole.
In our daily lives, when we are too attached to our own ideas and cannot see the answer, we sometimes find the answer by relying on someone else.
But it is surprisingly difficult to do so, and we often find ourselves unable to rely on others because of our "hang-ups".
I depicted such a situation where one's chains cannot be broken.

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Life is like a movie.
1日1日が映画のワンシーンのように 新鮮で、ユーモアのある日々を Each day is like a scene from a movie, fresh and humorous.
Power of money.
お金で釣ろうとする男の子。 お金に釣られる女の子。 恋のきっかけなんて、そんなもん。 A boy tries to catch a fish with money. Girls who are lured by money. That's how love starts.
I feel like I'm 18.
スーツ姿のまま、 仕事なんか抜け出して、 あの頃のように。 I'd leave work in my suit, just like back then.
Nobody's perfect.
完璧じゃなくてもいいじゃん? 転んでしまうこともあるさ。 It doesn't have to be perfect, right? Sometimes you're going to fall down.
It's all because of COVID-19!!!
ロックダウンをした世の中、 僕の店はどうやって立て直せばいいんだ。 In a world of lockdowns, how can my store be rebuilt?
Stuck in love.
どんどん滞っていくよ。 キミが隣にいるせいで。 It's getting slower and slower. Because you're next to me.
シャイになってないで、自分のアートをどんどん訴えていかなきゃ。 ヒッチハイクだって、掲げているところにしか車は止まらないからね。 人々の目当てはKendrickとかJojiとかTylerとかFrank Oceanかもしれないけど、 それでも黙ってちゃ誰にも見つけられずに死んでくだけなんだ。 Don't be shy, you have to appeal to people with your art. Just like when you hitchhike, the car will only stop where the destination is posted. People might be interested in Kendrick, Joji, Tyler or Frank Ocean, but if you are silent, no one will find you and you will die.
No Rain No Rainbow.
虹が見たければ、 ちょっとやそっとの雨は 我慢しなくちゃ。 If you want to see a rainbow, You have to put up with a little bit of rain a little bit of rain.
Sunday Routine
カーテンの隙間から朝日が差し込む。 どっちかが起きるまで布団は出ない。 だから気づいたら半日が終わっている。 それがいつもの日曜日。 The morning sun shines through the gap in the curtains. I don't get out of bed until one of us wakes up. So when I notice it, half the day is over. That is our usual Sunday.
目を閉じている間だけの幸せ。 目を開けたら、また1人で戦わなきゃいけないんだ。 This is happiness only while my eyes are closed. When I open my eyes, I have to fight alone again.